Physics and Astronomy Online

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ScienceIQ Facts

Physics & Astronomy Facts

Artist Depiction of the Stardust spacecraft
Mission: Gather Comet Dust; Return To Earth

One of the most imaginative NASA missions of recent years is the Stardust mission. Its main purpose: to gather dust and particles from comet P/Wild 2 and return them to Earth for study. Think about th ...

The Chandra Mission

NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory, which was launched and deployed by Space Shuttle Columbia on July 23, 1999, is the most sophisticated X-ray observatory built to date. Chandra is designed to observe ...
An uneven distribution of mass inside the Earth. The Earth
Amazing GRACE

Gravity has an effect on everyone and everything on Earth. Although we can't see it, smell it, taste it or touch it, we know it's there. Although scientists already know quite a bit about this invisib ...

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