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Einstin believed in determinism but the quantum theory disbanded this idea. Do you believe that determinism will be revitalized by the unified field theory? Why or why not?
What 2 constellations or clusters of stars can we see all year long?
How can you make oil sink in water?
What is the Discrete Fourier Transform?
What are quantum numbers? And how many are there?
How come the protons in the nucleus of an atom do not spin around like the electrons do?
Could you please explain the general theory behind the sound that is produced when water falls on a hot surface?
Does ozone occur naturally at ground level and is it safe to breathe?
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Which element contains the most isotopes?
- asked by: Alla Shchirov
Why do non-conductive materials reflect better at larger angles (to the surface normal) and metals reflect better at smaller angles?
- asked by: Steve McDaniel
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