Physics and Astronomy Online

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ScienceIQ Facts

Physics & Astronomy Facts

Image of the Keck observatory with a laser shining. Image of the planet Neptune without and with the adaptive optics correction.
Laser Guide Stars

Did you ever wonder why we have to have the Hubble Space Telescope so high up in the Earth's orbit? Why not just make a bigger and better telescope on the surface? ...
An uneven distribution of mass inside the Earth. The Earth
Amazing GRACE

Gravity has an effect on everyone and everything on Earth. Although we can't see it, smell it, taste it or touch it, we know it's there. Although scientists already know quite a bit about this invisib ...
Candy that glows?
Can Wint-O-Green Lifesavers® Light up Your Life?

Next time you're bored, grab a pack of Wint-O-Green Lifesavers® and lock yourself in the bathroom. Shut the blinds and make sure the room is pitch black. Allow your eyes to adjust and open the pack ...

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